Saturday, November 30, 2019

Types of Soil free essay sample

This is how one sixth-grader describes the way of playing video games. Such video games can seem like harmless fun, but what if the violence gets personal and addicts young teenagers, affecting their behavior and their view of reality? Some studies have shown that violent game players just do not leave it there on their game screens; they transfer the violent acts they get attached to, to the real world. Violent games have been shown to increase game player’s quest to experiment how all that stuff will look like in the real world. There is no doubt that violent video games have no effect on certain people, but for the most and especially in teenagers, the effects are negative and have led to fatalities and destruction of properties in certain instances. Although some parents claim that violence video games have bad effects on teenagers because they’re behavior changes, teenagers play too much violent games because they are very addicting. We will write a custom essay sample on Types of Soil or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some parents say that violent video games have bad effects on young teenagers. But most video- game players have normal lives. Most important, just because a player does not instantly take or follow violence found in video games does not mean the games will not have negative result on that player’s views and behavior. The violent games will have negative effects on teenagers. Young teenager’s behavior will have a big change. Because of this case, parents should be responsible for buying video games and should forbid young teenagers from buying those games that are violent. If parents do not take the responsibility than teenagers do not know what they are doing and what is good for them. Before teenagers take a big wrong step, parents should be there to take care of the situation. I have a little nephew in seventh grade and he loves violence video games. He loves playing call of duty. My aunt always gives him the money to buy any game that he likes. He loves the smell of money. She never checks to see what game he might have bought. Because of her not being responsible, my little cousin always gets into school fights with other children. So every parent must be responsible for their own child. Some parents say that violent video games have bad effects on young teenagers because a number of people claim that playing a violent video game does present a bad threat to user’s health. For an example, I have a younger brother who is seventeen years old. He loves playing violent video games. Every day, when he is home from school with his spiky brown hair, he starts playing the WrestleMania game. He does not eat anything and he talks to himself while playing the game. He does not realize that his behavior is changing by playing violent video games. One time, he tried to kick me in my stomach but a police man saw him and told him to stop. My parents made him quit playing violent video-games. Ever since he stopped playing violent video games his behavior has changed a lot. He now realizes he was out of control and it is all because of the violent video games. He sold his Xbox to one of his close friends. I am glad my parents took good care of it because it is their responsibility to look after their son. Some parents say that violent video games have bad effects on young teenagers because; there was a shooting in Colorado movie theatre. Twelve people were killed and fifty eight were injured by a graduate student. The guy who killed all these people was a very educated man. But he lost his sense of humor. He was out of control. People thought that the shooting was a part of the movie also. He was dressed up as the joker from the movie batman. Later the doctors found out he had some type of brain damage watching too much violent movies and playing games. So, he was not okay in his head. His behavior made so many people lose their lives. So many people lost their loved ones that day. And again violent community and games can damage people’s brains. Some parents say that violent video games have good effects on young teenagers because violent games can be new information to some teenagers, because it is something new and different from their daily lifestyle. They think violent games can help their child with memorization because it provides pretty text to look at. The video games have nice graphics for teenagers. It helps a teenager look at new information and advances them. Some parents think that teenagers learn better by looking at graphics and text that are provided by violent games. Parents think new and different inspires teenagers and games inspire them in a good way. But mostly business owner parents are saying this. But at the end of the day, it is every parent’s job to be responsible for their own child. Parents should pay more attention to their children while children are playing violent video games.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Father of American Terrori Essay Example

The Father of American Terrori Essay Example The Father of American Terrori Essay The Father of American Terrori Essay A Critique of the Article on John Brown, The Father of American Terrorism On December 2, 1859, John Brown, dressed in a black coat, black pants, black vest, and black slouch hat, was riding to what would be his execution spot.He handed the jailer a note.It read: I John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty, land will never be purged away; but with blood.I hadvainly flattered myself that without much bloodshed; it might be done.John Brown was sitting on his coffin and commented on the beautiful landscape of Virginia.In 1859, America was a place where men and women were willing to die for their beliefs and slavery was the main issue.John Brown was violent but he was also a Christian.Slave owners hated him and abolitionists thought he had become the embodiment of all that was noble and courageous.John Brown had failed his whole life but was now succeeding.Browns prophecy divided the nation.America was headed for war. The scaffold on which John Brown was hung had be en built in Charlestown, Virginia.Robert E. Lee ordered fifteen hundred soldiers to watch so that there would not be a rescue attempt; however, one actor borrowed a uniform so that he could watch Brown die.The crowd was made up of such noteworthy people as John Wilkes Booth and Stonewall Jackson whom called Brown a traitor and terrorizer.The rope was eventually cut and Brown fell through helplessly and eventually resting.So perish all such enemies of Virginia, Colonel J.T.L Preston chanted.Church bells began to ring and cannon balls were shot in salute of Brown.Henry David Thoreau remarked on the resemblance between the crucifixion of Christ and that of John Brown saying that he is the angel of light. Brown was a tanner, shepherd, and farmer.He was a simple man but his actions were to be studied for years after his life.John Brow

Friday, November 22, 2019

Sea Urchins and Sand Dollars Are the Round Echinoderms

Sea Urchins and Sand Dollars Are the Round Echinoderms Sea urchins and sand dollars (Echinoidea) are a group of echinoderms that are spiny, globe or disk-shaped animals. Sea urchins and sand dollars are found in all the worlds oceans. Like most other echinoderms, they are pentaradially symmetrical (the have five sides arranged around a central point). Characteristics Sea urchins range in size from as small as a couple of inches in diameter to over a foot in diameter. They have a mouth located on their upper part of their body (also known as the oral surface) although some sea urchins have a mouth located towards one end (if their body shape is irregular). Sea urchins have tube feet and move using a water vascular system. Their endoskeleton consists of calcium carbonate spicules or ossicles. In sea urchins, these ossicles are fused into plates that form a shell-like structure called a test. The test encloses the internal organs and provides support and protection. Sea urchins can sense touch, chemicals in the water, and light. They do not have eyes but their entire body seems to detect light in some manner. Sea urchins have a mouth that consists of five jaw-like parts (similar to the structure of brittle stars). But in sea urchins, the chewing structure is known as Aristotles lantern (so named for the description of Aristotles History of Animals). The teeth of sea urchins sharpen themselves as they  grind food. The Aristotles lantern encloses the mouth and the pharynx and empties into the esophagus which in turn connects to the small intestine and caecum. Reproduction Some species of sea urchins have long, sharp spines. These spines serve as protection from predators and can be painful if they puncture the skin. It has not been determined in all species whether the spines are venomous or not. Most sea urchins have spines that are about an inch long (give or take a bit). The spines are often rather blunt at the end although a few species have longer, sharper spines. Sea urchins have separate sexes (both male and female). It is difficult to distinguish between the sexes but males usually select different microhabitats. They are usually found in more exposed or higher locations than females, enabling them to disperse their spermatic fluid into the water and distribute it better. Females, in contrast, select more protected locations to forage and rest. Sea urchins have five gonads located on the underside of the test (although some species only have four gonads). They release gametes into the water and fertilization takes place in open water. Fertilized eggs develop into free-swimming embryos. A larva develops from the embryo. The larva develops test plates and descends to the seafloor where it completes its transformation into an adult form. Once in its adult form, the sea urchin continues to grow for several years until it reaches its mature size. Diet Sea urchins feed on algae for the most part although some species also feed occasionally on other invertebrates such as sponges, brittle stars, sea cucumbers, and mussels. Although they appear to be sessile (attached to the seafloor or substrate) they are capable of moving. They move over surfaces by way of their tube feet and spines. Sea urchins provide a food source for sea otters as well as wolf eels. Evolution Fossil sea urchins date back about 450 million years ago to the Ordovician period. Their closest living relatives are sea cucumbers. Sand dollars evolved much more recently than sea urchins, during the Tertiary, about 1.8 million years ago. Sand dollars have a flattened disk test, instead of the globe-shaped test sea urchins have. Classification Animals Invertebrates Echinoderms Sea Urchins and Sand Dollars Sea urchins and sand dollars are divided into the following basic groups: Perischoechinoidea - The members of this group were abundant during the Palaeozoic Era but today only a few members still survive. Most species of Perischoechinoidea became extinct during the Mesozoic Era.Echinoidea - The majority of living sea urchins belong to this group. Members of the Echinoidea first appeared during the Triassic Period.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organizational Behaviour Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Organizational Behaviour Leadership - Essay Example This is studied in terms of whole organization, whole group, whole person and finally the whole social system. The focus of leadership in the context of organizational behavior is to establish better relationships within the organization by achieving organizational objectives, social objectives and human activities. It is notable that the organizational base has its core pillars resting on its management philosophy, goals, objectives, vision and values. Organizational culture arises from this comprising of formal organization, informal and its underlying social environment (Judith Wilson 2009). This aspect of organizational culture determines the model of leadership, dynamics within the organization, coordination and communication. The organizational employees take this into consideration as the quality work of life and determine to a greater extent their motivation. The final outcome of these underlying elements of organization behavior leadership determines the organizational perfo rmance, personal growth and stakeholder’s satisfaction (Wilson 2011). This can be argued to form the basis to establish appropriate framework or model that an organization operates. VLEADER PRACTICE AND REFLECTION In the context of organization behavior and leadership there is various situations arising attributed to interactions among managers, subordinates, groups and individuals in workplace. ... In this scenario the effective leadership style can be participative or delegate, given the contingencies to consider the following steps can be followed. Enhance engagement This will encourage Oli participate fully during the meeting feeling free to raise ideas. Despite the higher level of engagement it is important to retain the final say over the decision making process. The person engaged to feels motivated and becomes more creative. Tension strategy This step during the first meeting ensures that Oli is given a room to think of new ideas and challenging him to ensure that the work is done. Ideas that are relaxing is introduced and focused on. Oli should be offered the highest level of participation and encouragement to contribute more ideas in the meeting. Idea strategy This step is essential ensuring that one on one meeting and the manager’s intent is achieved. This step also ensures that Oli uncover the hidden ideas about the organization whereby right ideas are focused on. Work strategy It is important to focus on the critical work that enhances motivation by introducing ideas that motivates the subordinate. This can be achieved by suggesting order as well as introducing ideas and concluding with ideas that will facilitate motivation. The key major point under this attributed to this interaction includes enhancement of problem solving. As a manager leadership role is retained in making informed decisions considering subordinates input and enhanced consultation. This approach fosters successful handling of risks encouraging employees to contribute ideas steadily (Thach 2009). Understanding is enhanced whereby workplace energy and enthusiasm essential for solving complex organizational problems.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Data Rules Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Data Rules Summary - Essay Example The more experienced nurse has internal decision making resources provided by past experiences and a better ability to recognize patterns based on those experiences. Additionally, the experienced nurse may not experience the emotional barriers arising from fear of making the wrong decision. Fear prevents creative and clear problem solving abilities.   One way to hasten the pattern recognition skills that are critical in the clinical decision making process of a novice nurse is to create rules that provide a process of intervention through modeling the situation and potential actions that are best suited to accurately resolve health problems. This modeling is based upon a hypothesis and then a listing of rules that lead to a sequence of decisions to be made accordingly. The model and rules naturally also promote the novice nurse to anticipate potential corollary problems and prepare by mentally exploring solutions—proactively avoiding or at least mitigating problems.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Contemporary Use of Rhetoric Essay Example for Free

Contemporary Use of Rhetoric Essay Aristotle believed that rhetoric is an art that could, and should, be studied and that good rhetoric is not only persuasive but also ethical. I agree with Aristotle’s claim that good rhetoric is not only persuasive but it is ethical. Rhetoric is value neutral in that the principles of rhetoric are not necessarily moral or immoral; it is dependent on how they are utilized. I believe it is unethical when good rhetorical principles are used to persuade the ignorant or the unwary of things which are against their best interest and is used to force the beliefs of the hegemonic group of our society upon other less powerful cultural groups. While many believe public engagement in rhetoric has been geared towards establishing absolute truth applicable to the universal appeals of human nature, I believe the principles of rhetoric are used in this modern era unethically to perpetuate certain dominant ideologies in order to maintain social hierarchies. By analyzing modern media and applying the theories and discoveries of the scholars we have discussed throughout the quarter such as, Nietzsche, Habermas, and Fraser it is apparent how language is currently used unethically in attempt to rhetorically persuade the public. As we learned in class, â€Å"rhetoric is one of the oldest and most studied human arts in Western civilization. † The rhetorical tradition can be traced back to the Sophists who first taught rhetoric in the ancient Mediterranean world and were viewed as controversial figures because of it. The Sophists, and specifically Aristotle, laid the groundwork for modern public communication. The Sophists were the first to systematize rhetoric into a true art or discipline and believed that anyone could become a skilled rhetorician with proper teaching and practice. Aristotle was essentially the ‘father’ of rhetorical study and was the first person to systematize the study of rhetoric into a rational system of argument and presentation. He was the scholar that created the three genres (deliberative, epideictic, forensic) and appeals (ethos, logos, pathos) of rhetoric and many of his ideas still remain extremely relevant today, nearly 2,500 years since his lifetime. Aristotle’s ideas are still considered and applied to many forms of contemporary rhetoric. However, although the Greek rhetorical tradition and Aristotle’s beliefs helped shape and define rhetoric and are grounded in its foundations, it has evolved greatly over the centuries and is now used in unethical manners. As we learned in class, although rhetorical tradition viewed rhetoric as an instrument, persuasion, rational, and public art that was a tool of cultural heroes, the contemporary era of rhetoric started focusing less on how to persuade and more on how public audiences are produced by rhetoric and language. Although I believe that the classical rhetoric as defined by the Greeks was accurate, informative, and ethical, I find that the contemporary beliefs of rhetoric are much more fitting in describing the current relation of rhetoric, public, and ethics. I agree that rhetoric is in fact constitutive rather than instrumental in that it constitutes our social world and creates identities within it. In the contemporary era rhetorical theory became less about how to produce good rhetoric and how to use rhetoric as an effective instrument as the Greeks were concerned with, and instead focuses more on how we are affected by rhetoric and how it constructs and reiterates certain cultural ideologies. This is extremely important to consider when examining how rhetoric is used currently in the media to produce persuasive messages to the public. A major theme of rhetoric in the 20th and 21st centuries is that â€Å"language doesn’t just describe reality. It helps create it and the way we talk about things has real material effects. † This is clear through rhetorical devices such as using language to describe â€Å"communism as cancer. † Not everyone defines communism as a negative concept- yet in our society we use language to compare it to cancer. By doing this our culture learns to associate communism with a terrible and tragic disease that there is no cure for. The rhetorical language used gives the term power and teaches the audience to associate the concept with illness and death- giving communism negative connotations. However, those in other countries that utilize communism are probably exposed by their media and government to language that teaches the audience to associate communism as a constructive and positive concept that is beneficial. This demonstrates the concept that Nietzsche introduced that language is power. As discussed in class Nietzschean influence introduced he theme that language cannot be separated from its poetic or metaphorical function and that rhetoric is inextricably linked to power. I agree with this concept and think it is important to analyze rhetoric in such a way when considering how rhetorical devices are employed currently in attempts to persuade the public and normalize certain ideologies through our media and pop culture. I believe it is imperative we consider the first persona or who the rhetors are, the historical context that shape rhetorical texts, and the messages they attempt to produce. Who has the authority to speak is extremely important to consider as one is exposed to messages of pop culture. In our society the dominant group is white, heterosexual men. When considering the statistics of who controls our media and pop culture it is overwhelmingly controlled by men included in this hegemonic group. By critically considering the messages constantly reinforced and presented by the media we can see how history has shaped the way media is written and the rhetoric that enables the perpetuation of binaries that divide our society in everyday life. Pop culture and media is driven, run and written by men, for men, and it is in their best interest to promote messages that maintain their place at the top of the hegemonic social hierarchy- demonstrating how the language they choose to use is power for them. The means of promoting messages through rhetorical devices that keep the dominant groups in power are what I consider to be unethical. The public sphere in theory is a positive concept that promotes democracy and equality by providing everyone with the opportunity to be heard and express their opinion. However, one major threat to the public sphere is the commercialization of the media. Media in our culture has become overwhelmingly commercialized which is a major reason I find current rhetorical practices unethical. Media is owned by different corporations that are overwhelmingly controlled by men so they can use their power to influence the messages presented in reporting’s and edge out alternative views and voices. The hegemonic group that controls the media can promote the messages they want to see that are in their best interest. This is apparent when we watch stations such as NBC that are ran by General Electrics. While watching, you can see the constant promotion of GE products everywhere in their broadcasting. Commercialization allows an unethical bias in rhetorical practices and does not allow for equal expressions of opinion or promotion. Instead it is the companies that have power that can promote their products and stay in power, which is an unethical use of rhetoric in that it is not equally accessible by everyone as it should be. The same bias that is apparent in rhetorical product promotion due to commercialization is also used to promote the values of the dominant group in control of the media. In accordance with Fraser’s critique of the public sphere, the public sphere excludes many groups because democracy is more complicated than Habermas accounted for. Access is essential and not everyone has equal access to the public sphere, which is overwhelmingly apparent when considering how minority groups are overtly portrayed in the media . The hegemonic group in control of media messages uses rhetorical devices to present persuasive messages about the other less dominant groups. For example through rhetoric, election coverage tends to portray political issues in a manner that reinforces sexuality, gender, and racial hierarchies in order to protect the privileged positions of those on the dominant side of our culture’s binaries. For example, specifically media rhetorically portrays women as emotional, uninformed, and thoroughly objectifies them. Media focuses on the way a female politician looks and acts rather than her merits or political stances and there is little to no similar coverage of men (the dominant group that has control over the public sphere) in this same way. Rhetorical tactics used to effectively do this include saying a woman â€Å"complained† while saying a man â€Å"stated. † This effectively makes women seem emotional, while men seem stronger. Another common tactic is labeling a female politician â€Å"Mrs. † instead of addressing her by her title such as â€Å"senator. By refusing to label a woman by her position the newspapers are unethically and effectively diminishing her importance and are presenting a rhetorical message about females in our culture. By focusing on a woman’s appearance, media unethically uses rhetoric to put the emphasis on female’s looks rather than policies which make them seem less powerful than men and this is reflected in our daily lives- demo nstrating how rhetoric can be used to create identities and normalizes beliefs while making them appear to be common sense. This concept is also apparent in the unethical representation of racial minorities in our media through rhetoric. For instance, when quoting a person of color the media will sometimes use tactics such as writing with poor grammar. To better explain, they may use the spelling â€Å"cuz† instead of correcting the spelling to â€Å"‘cause† or â€Å"because† to paint a picture that the minority group is ineloquent and uneducated in order to promote unethical messages that reconfirm the power of the dominant group that currently controls our media. Often this unethical use of rhetorical normalization is overlooked and goes unnoticed. This ostracizes anyone who does not fit clearly into the accepted categories by delegitimizing values and beliefs that are not in accordance with our cultures hegemonic ideologies. These concepts relate to Nietzsche’s concept that by abstracting, language tends to do away with differences and abolishes specificity by assuming sameness where there is none. Our society is composed of many unique individuals but the rhetorical language that is constantly presented to us does not account for differences and is responsible for creating binaries in our culture. Not everything is as simple as black and white and there are many shades of grey that need to be considered and accounted for, yet we assume these black and white binaries are common sense and that individuals can easily be grouped into common categories. This is why society views controversial issues such as racism and sexism the way it does- because those stereotypes or ideological norms have been so frequently mentioned throughout history and our culture that we accept them as common sense and feel no need for action to challenge and change these beliefs. As Nietzsche described there is no truth, truth is only to lie with the herd. To me, this theory can be applied to hegemonic ideologies. Our media promotes sameness in our culture where there is none making it seem like â€Å"common sense† and not accounting for the fact that our society is comprised of unique individuals. Social ideologies are constructed by society and are in no way innate. We are constantly exposed to these constructions from the moment we are born without even being aware. For instance, simple acts such as dressing girls in pink and boys in blue assume sameness about gender preferences where there is none. There is nothing predetermined that says boys cannot like pink yet our culture creates this assumption. Our pop culture, such as Disney reiterates these messages of â€Å"sameness† and â€Å"norms† as well by rhetorically promoting patriarchal ideologies that teach girls their goal in life should be to get married and depend on a man, since that is what the heroin characters of their stories all ultimately do. We are so often constantly exposed to these messages overtly that we start to view them as common sense and normalize them but the majority’s way is not the ONLY way there is to view the important issues of our society; we just tend to see things in accordance with the norms of the â€Å"herd† that are constantly reinforced. That is why I comply with postmodernist views that there is no truth- because everyone has a different idea of â€Å"truth† and we should not accept the version that is unethically reiterated in society and normalized through the media. In conclusion, it is extremely difficult to define rhetoric. Having been in existence for over three thousand years, one cannot hold rhetoric in the same light, as it is constantly shifting and evolving over time. We use rhetoric to help us explain things and mobilize action. Recognizing that rhetoric is a necessarily public deployment of discourse shows the crucial distinction between rhetoric and all other forms of language, which is the fact that rhetoric is utilized specifically to motivate action on the part of an audience. Rhetoric is a very useful and powerful tool that artfully can be used to persuade audiences. However, in my opinion it is currently used unethically in our society to push the beliefs of the hegemonic group in order to keep social hierarchies in place and make them appear as a normal â€Å"truth. † There are many opinions that are often not represented in our society through the language portrayed in our media. Rhetorical devices are used unethically to push what is presented to us as â€Å"common sense† or â€Å"truth† but true equality and equal representation can only exist when it’s reflected in the language of our media. This is why invitational rhetoric is an important concept to consider rather than rhetoric as merely a form of persuasion. In order to act as ethical rhetors in a world without universal truths we must acknowledge all cultural groups and beliefs in our use of rhetoric presented to the public and not just the dominant values of society. Rhetoric should be a tool used to promote democracy and equal representation of opinions instead of used unethically to hinder such attempts by reiterating and normalizing the hegemonic values of our culture.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Albert Camus :: essays research papers

Albert Camus was a French-Algerian novelist, essayist, dramatist, and journalist and a Nobel laureate. He was born in Algeria to a French father and Spanish mother. After his father was killed in WWI, he was raised in poverty by his grandmother and mother. He was forced to end his studies and limit his life in theatre as a playwright, director, and actor due to tuberculosis. He then turned his interest to politics and, after briefly being a member of the Communist party, he began a career in journalism in 1930. His articles reflected the suffering of the Arabs in Algeria. This led him to his dismissal of his newspaper job. Later, he worked in Paris for a newspaper and soon he became involved in Resistance movements against the Germans. He started writing an underground newspaper. Camus wrote many novels and his writings, illustrated his view of the absurdity of human existence: Humans are not absurd, and the world is not absurd, but for humans to be in the world is absurd. In his opi nion, humans cannot feel at home in the world because they yearn for order, clarity, meaning, and eternal life, while the world is chaotic, obscure, and indifferent and offers only suffering and death. Thus human beings are alienated from the world. Integrity and dignity require them to face and accept the human condition as it is and to find purely human solutions to their plight. He used a simple and clear but elegant form of writing to convey his ideas about morality, justice and love. In 1957, Camus received the Nobel price for literature. He was deeply troubled by the Algerian War of Independence and he immersed himself in the theatre and working on an autobiographical novel. He died in an automobile accident just before being named director of the national theater. The Theory of Existentialism Existentialism as a distinct philosophical and literary movement belongs to the 19th and 20th centuries. Although existentialism is impossible to define, some of its common themes can be identified. One of the major theme is the stress on concrete individual existence and, consequently, on subjectivity, individual freedom, and choice. 19th century Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, was the first writer to call himself existential. He wrote in his journal, "I must find a truth that is true for me . . . the idea for which I can live or die.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Hamlet and Particular Attention Essay

1. Think about Hamlet’s relationship with Ophelia. Does he love her? Does he stop loving her? Did he ever love her? What evidence can you find in the play to support your opinion? 2. Consider Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’s role in the play. Why might Shakespeare have created characters like this? Are they there for comic relief, or do they serve a more serious purpose? Why does the news of their deaths come only after the deaths of the royal family in Act V, as if this news were not anticlimactic? Is it acceptable for Hamlet to treat them as he does? Why or why not? 3. Analyze the use of descriptions and images in Hamlet. How does Shakespeare use descriptive language to enhance the visual possibilities of a stage production? How does he use imagery to create a mood of tension, suspense, fear, and despair? 4. Analyze the use of comedy in Hamlet, paying particular attention to the gravediggers, Osric, and Polonius. Does comedy serve merely to relieve the tension of the tragedy, or do the comic scenes serve a more serious thematic purpose as well? 5. Suicide is an important theme in Hamlet. Discuss how the play treats the idea of suicide morally, religiously, and aesthetically, with particular attention to Hamlet’s two important statements about suicide: the â€Å"O, that this too too solid flesh would melt† soliloquy (I.ii.129–158) and the â€Å"To be, or not to be† soliloquy (III.i.56–88). Why does Hamlet believe that, although capable of suicide, most human beings choose to live, despite the cruelty, pain, and injustice of the world?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Computer Virus and Prentice Hall Essay

Reports of computer security failures appear frequently in the daily new. Cite a reported failure that exemplified one (or more) of the principles listed in the chapter: easiest penetration, adequate protection, effectiveness, weakest link. There has been a lot of reports of security breaches in the news, for example the Sony Playstation Network, RSA Lockheed Martin compromise, Hyundai and so on, these have been of recent and these all show how vulnerable we are to security threats out there on the world wide web which has very little to do with borders of the country or state. The Internet is a gateway of information all over the word where people are connected and providing and absorbing information. Many of the security restrictions that apply in a physical sense do not in the cyber world. I have picked the Sony Playstation Network (PSN) compromise as my topic of discussion to show the areas covered in chapter one that talk about penetration, protection, effectiveness, weakest link. A successful penetration into the PSN by the attacker, has compromised peoples credit card information, birthdates, addresses, phone numbers and more. The successful penetration was delivered disguised in the form of a purchase as stated by Sony Chief Information Officer Shinji Hajesima (Ogg, 2011). The systems were unable to detect the attack going through as it went through has a purchase transaction. This show lack of adequate protection, in the article it also mentions that the vulnerability that was exploited by the hacker was also known. This shows that it is absolutely important to make sure that the patches for known vulnerabilities are deployed and the systems are patched accordingly, though one may argue if the patching introduces other forms of vulnerability. The successful exploitation of the system led to the loss of personal details of up to 70 million (Schreier, 2011) customers, this information could be used for identity theft, credit card theft, and besides that the down time for customers who are using the system that they have paid for. The effectiveness of this attack is shown by the shutdown of the PSN for a number of days. This shows that the effectiveness of the protection on this system was lacking, the inability to pickup on the intrusion as it happened and thus showing us a weak link in the system security. The article shows us the combination of things that have come into play that have led to the successful compromise of the PSN network. Starting with the vulnerability that was known by Sony with the systems and left unattended, secondly the inability of the intrusion detection system to pick up the actual attack or the delivery of the malformed data that exploited the vulnerability to permit access to the attacker, lastly the storage of data in an unencrypted but hashed form which is reversible to obtain the credentials and personal details of the PSN users or customers.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Management Term Paper Topics

Management Term Paper Topics Every student needs to write a management term paper, but can an average student write a good management term paper? No, unfortunately the writing skills of an average student is limited, and hence, most student receive bad grades for management term papers, despite the fact that they are proficient in the management field they still manage to fail in writing a good management term paper. It is very disappointing to write a management term paper and get a bad grade for it. If you are one of these students who fail in writing management term papers from time to time – you definitely need assistance in writing a management term paper on a given topic. We can assist you with your academic writing by preparing a sample management term paper for you. This way you will see how a management term paper should be written and formatted. We offer you high quality writing help, so place an order for a management term paper and have a skilled writer assist you. is always ready to assist you in writing a sound management term paper, with great quality and 0% plagiarism. Among other services we also offer you free theoretical help, to show you how a management term paper has to be done, and share some management term paper writing tips. A term paper is a paper written over a big period, in most cases a semester. Since it is a very important piece of work for your grade – you basically have only one chance to write a good management term paper. The management term paper topics you choose from may seem very complicated, so you should dig enough information on the subject before starting to write. In most cases – there are plenty information on the web, but you may need to consider some specific sources from the library, or even ask for some assistance from a management proficient specialist. When starting to write a management term paper – the first thing you are required to do is to choose an interesting management term paper topic. The management term paper topic defines everything. A dull management term paper will simply ruin a perfect text you can write on it. Since management is a science which is constantly changing – when writing a management term paper , you have to make sure the sources you have chosen a still relevant and applicable to your management term paper topic. Planning is a very important stage in the whole management term paper writing process. If you fail to plan your management term paper – your paper is definitely doomed. Make sure that the structure you have developed is 100% good and logical. The structure you come up with results the effectiveness of your management term paper. If your structure is not algorithmic – you will fail to prove all the thoughts and ideas you have and that will be a failure. Make sure your paper is written in simple language and is understandable to everyone. It is very irritating for the reader to understand and realize that the writer is smarter than he. So try to avoid this and use simple sentences in active voice. You will show your intelligence with what you write, not how you write. Here is a list of the most popular management term paper topics: 1. Personnel Management and Human Resource Management (HRM) 2. Total Quality Management 3. Project Management Principles 4. Information Technology in Business Management 5. Strategic Management 6. Operations Management 7. Financial Management for human service administrators 8. Time Management 9. Health Care Management / Organization Design and Behavior 10. Legal and Risk Management 11. Performance Management 12. Compensation management 13. Project Scheduling and Cost Management 14. Management and Leadership 15. Effective Techniques for Time Management and Stress Reduction 16. Management Information Systems 17. International Business Management 18. Conflict management 19. Knowledge Management 20. Organization Management 21. Case Management 22. Cross Cultural Management 23. Future Of Management 24. Network Management 25. Fund Management 26. Four Functions of Management 27. Customer relationship management 28. Waste management: A growing problem 29. The Greening of management 30. Participative management

Monday, November 4, 2019

Accountability in the Workforce

Each employee responsible for skillfully executing the assigned duties and intentionally ignoring the details necessary to achieve these objectives is responsible for their actions. Employee responsibility is an important requirement in order to make the project successful. The manager may be responsible for the sales team, but we believe that each salesperson is obligated to call customers, accept orders, confirm that all quotas are satisfied . Excellent manufacturing methods require a high level of transparency and accountability for workers. The bigger the organization, the more stable the dialogue between the labor force and the management team becomes increasingly important. This usually means that the report is a necessary condition for the growth of the business. Employees who work at the site tend to operate the company so strongly that they are aware of inconsistencies in the system. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Millennial generation today accounts for 36% of the US labor force and will occupy 75% of the world's workforce by 2025. I think that employees in this group have actively communicated through countless social media sites. The use of social media is a workplace trend that will follow in the near future. As people enter the labor market and start a career it is important to understand the importance of social media in their lives. These future employees and leaders need to be accountable for their online behavior. Educators incorporating this course into the curriculum will help the students build a better, more successful future for them. Teachers can not stay anywhere. Monitor students' use of mobile devices and social media applications. One of the most important drawbacks that allows people to use these online platforms is the spread of bullying. According to the National Crime Prevention Committee, 43% of youth last year was a victim of this act. Accountability in the Workforce Each employee responsible for skillfully executing the assigned duties and intentionally ignoring the details necessary to achieve these objectives is responsible for their actions. Employee responsibility is an important requirement in order to make the project successful. The manager may be responsible for the sales team, but we believe that each salesperson is obligated to call customers, accept orders, confirm that all quotas are satisfied . Excellent manufacturing methods require a high level of transparency and accountability for workers. The bigger the organization, the more stable the dialogue between the labor force and the management team becomes increasingly important. This usually means that the report is a necessary condition for the growth of the business. Employees who work at the site tend to operate the company so strongly that they are aware of inconsistencies in the system. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Millennial generation today accounts for 36% of the US labor force and will occupy 75% of the world's workforce by 2025. I think that employees in this group have actively communicated through countless social media sites. The use of social media is a workplace trend that will follow in the near future. As people enter the labor market and start a career it is important to understand the importance of social media in their lives. These future employees and leaders need to be accountable for their online behavior. Educators incorporating this course into the curriculum will help the students build a better, more successful future for them. Teachers can not stay anywhere. Monitor students' use of mobile devices and social media applications. One of the most important drawbacks that allows people to use these online platforms is the spread of bullying. According to the National Crime Prevention Committee, 43% of youth last year was a victim of this act.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Protecting Personally Identifiable Information and other ethical Research Paper

Protecting Personally Identifiable Information and other ethical issues - Research Paper Example Ethical issues arise from people’s behavior and established norms offer platforms for determining the issues, whether an act is ethical or not. Utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics are some of the established theories for exploring ethical issues. Brooks and Dunn explains utilitarian theory’s basis as consequences of actions and identify morality with consequences that optimizes good among a majority of involved stakeholders to the action. An act that leads to net harm on a majority of members of the society is therefore considered unethical (2009). Deontology offers another basis for determining morality through parties’ obligations in actions with rules as its core basis. Issues that arise from deontological ethics relates to â€Å"duty, rights, and justice considerations† and therefore definite, unlike arising issues from utilitarianism (Brooks and Dunn, 2009, p. 184). Intentions towards ethical issues, as a factor to morality however rely on v irtue ethics whose basis is the actor’s integrity (Landau, 2012). Protection of personally identifiable information is a significant ethical issue and involves such principles as privacy, confidentiality, and anonymity and traverses utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics theories. ... Breach of these doctrines, having been established as legal or moral rules and obligations, therefore implies lack of ethics subject to deontology theory. Many factors however affect the ethical issue and may influence compromise. In research, for example, a research may fear factors such as loss of validity in communicated findings following non-disclosure of participants’ identity and offered personal information but attempt to document such information would compromise autonomy, based on deontology ethics. The medical profession also requires strict protection of patients’ information and applicable information technology should be configured to ensure such protection. Possible harm that may result from disclosure of such identifiable information such as social isolation into the victim’s depression further identifies utilitarian theory (Runzheimer and Larsen, 2010). The need to promote well being of other members of the society is another significant ethical issue in interactions. Beneficence and non-malfeasance principles establish the issue that can be explored from utilitarian ethics, deontological theory, and virtue ethics. Beneficence requires that actions â€Å"maximize benefits† while non-malfeasance requires minimization of harm to other people and their directive scope relates to the rule based deontology theory (Elliot, Aitken and Chaboyer, 2011, p. 79). The issue’s emergence from actions also identifies them as consequences for utilitarian consideration. Proper planning for safe practices and beneficial acts ensure well being and minimized harm among stakeholders but conflict of interest may compromise the ethical principles to undermine welfare of involved stakeholders. A researcher’s interest in